Wednesday, November 19, 2014

World Beauty Wednesday: Mizon Good Night White Sleeping Mask

As frazzled as I claim to be, I am always finding time to look out for great new beauty items. Especially if the newest beauty thing is from a different country.  I love knowing the background stories to makeup or remedies that have been passed on from mother to daughter, cult favorites from across the world and little known items that are just plain amazing.  So welcome to World Beauty Wednesday!  Each week I'll try to pick an item to highlight that has origins in a different country that is definitely worth searching for.

Since winter in the Midwest this year has decided to be extra cold extra early, that means my heater has been on for almost a month. Heater and dry weather equal dry skin.  And when my skin gets dry, my pores get clogged and suddenly I've got pizza face and it's junior high all over again.  Sure, I can neutralize the red splotchy spots with green concealer, blend blend blend, and then more concealer.  Because no one sees this mountain of concealer on my face and thinks "oh what even skin she must have," I'd rather avoid that, however.

This is where Mizon Good Night White Sleeping Mask from Korea saves the day (or night) for me.  It locks in moisture and acts as a barrier.  This a product that I use almost nightly. There's nothing like waking up every morning with glowing skin. Over time my skin tone has evened out, my breakouts clear up quicker and happen less often.  I even have a scar that I've had since childhood that seems a little bit less noticeable.

Lets talk about the wording of the title real quick.  Sometimes when I see the word "white" or "whitening" in a skin cream I get a little squeamish.  There are a lot of products out there that are for lightening the skin tone that contain bleach, mercury, and other harsh ingredients.  If you're looking to fade freckles or age spots, this item isn't for you.  A lot of times when the word "whitening" is used in products from Asia it actually means clearing or evening of the skin tone.  Not that there aren't plenty of genuine whitening creams out there.  But this is not harsh or irritating as many fading creams can be.
The texture is gel and goes on very smooth.  I'd  compare the texture to Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel(which is also one of my favorites).  It's cooling and soothing like a gel should be.  This formula is very gentle.  My nightly routine is to wash my face, apply my serums, and on goes Mizon.  I have applied it directly under my eyes without irritation, but I prefer a thicker cream.

Although Mizon is based in Korea, you can get your hands on a tube on Amazon or Urban Outfitters. And as if this cream can get any better, it's less than $15!  Give this mask a try.  "Water" and "sleeping masks" are a big deal right now.  This one is a great place to start before trying a higher priced one.  My guess is you won't want to try anything else

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