Monday, March 9, 2015

Mask Monday! REN Radiance Skincare Regime

I have a pretty iron clad routine when it comes to my skin care.  And almost every Friday night is a dedicated "Spa Night" at my house.  I set aside at least an hour and pamper my skin with extra care.  I swear just that one hour washes away all the temper tantrums and wtf moments of the week.  I like to mix it up when it comes to the kind of mandatory masks I do and I'm going to share a few with you.  Welcome to Mask Monday!  Expect a mixture of different masks for different concerns as well as masks at different price points.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sephora Rogue Status vs Sephora Flash

About 6 months ago I started evaluating my life.  As a mom, wife, daughter and friend, was I doing enough? Was I giving it my all and making each day overflow with joy and wonder for all those around me? Yes. Obviously.  But still...something was missing.  Well the good news is that I didn't have to go on a long drawn out 'Eat Pray Love' style spiritual journey to find it.  My calling came in the form of not being able to get an item from Sephora early because I wasn't VIB Rouge.  Suddenly it was like I was 21 again, waiting outside Sound-Bar because my too cheap boyfriend at the time was too cheap to slip the bouncer a twenty.  I was back in middle school, the only kid without those terrible JNCO Jeans.  No, this would not do.  I'm an adult, I'm fabulous, and I will be VIB Rouge.