Sunday, September 28, 2014

All The Stages of Preschool Drop Off

The joys of your children's preschool years. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy during that short time between toddler and kindergartner. Dropping your kids off at preschool is not one of those things. It's chaos, it can be tearful and extremely stressful. Mostly for you, parent or caregiver, because we must remain calm. Because we all know preschoolers feed off of tension and fear, they can smell it, and will use it against us. So here's what to expect.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Setting Spray Smack Down

If I were to tell you I had a mild addiction to setting sprays, I would be lying to you. My setting spray obsession is the real deal.  I love them, I carry at least one on my person at all times, and I fear the day I run out of my favorite spray for each occasion.

As mush as I love my sprays, not all of them are created equal. Some are great for setting make up. Some work longer than others. Some are great for dimming the shine that oily skin brings. Some are great for adding an extra bit of moisture or stopping a break out in its tracks.  And thats just the beginning of what these sprays are all about.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nannies, the Stay@Home Mom's New Best Friend

There was a day, not so very long ago that I was chatting with one of my nanny friends before preschool pick up.  Enter another mom who's kid was in classes with mine.  I introduce the ladies, explaining how I knew each of them to each other.  The moment I mentioned that my friend was a nanny, the other mom said "Oh, I have a live in nanny....but I'm a stay at home mom..." And I could tell she was bracing herself for some sort of judgement from me.  Yeah, not going to happen.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Drugstore Foundation Smack Down!!

Ah foundation.  From the very moment I realized my skin was not magazine perfect in middle school(before I knew about the evils of Photoshop...) I've been looking for the perfect foundation.  My search began way back then in the aisles of Walgreens. I still remember choosing from the likes of CoverGirl, Wet and Wild and Maybelline, horrified that I'd choose the wrong color, which I often did.  I'd end up cake faced or too oily or too white or too pink.